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Michael Bear

Authentic, Ethical, & Servant Leadership

The subject "Authentic, Ethical, & Servant Leadership" was Week 6 of my MSc module "Leadership & Performance Management (OPM200)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

Michael Bear

Ability Testing

The subject "Ability Testing" was Week 6 of my MSc module "Selection & Assessment (OPM100)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

Michael Bear

Charismatic & Transformational Leadership

The subject "Charismatic & Transformational Leadership" was Week 5 of my MSc module "Leadership & Performance Management (OPM200)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

Michael Bear

Application Forms & Interviews

The subject "Application Forms & Interviews" was Week 5 of my MSc module "Selection & Assessment (OPM100)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

Michael Bear

Leadership as a Relationship

The subject "Leadership as a Relationship" was Week 4 of my MSc module "Leadership & Performance Management (OPM200)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

Michael Bear

Job Performance, Analysis, & Competency Models

The subject "Job Performance, Analysis, & Competency Models" was Week 4 of my MSc module "Selection & Assessment (OPM100)". It required two seminar questions to be answered to evidence learning of the material and more comprehensive reading. My submissions were as follows.

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